Monthly Webinars

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TPC Online™ – Overview

Date: Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

TPC Online™ is your resource for managing a successful maintenance and technical training program.

Many of the most respected Fortune 500 companies trust TPC Online™ to train their workforces.

This interactive webinar will demonstrate how TPC Online™ will improve the way you administer, manage, and track your training program.

Those who attend this FREE webinar will be left with a greater understanding of the basic features of a standards-based learning management system and the benefits it can bring to an organization.

View a Demo Video

iSchematic – Overview

Date: Monday, February 22nd, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

i Schematic is an industry-leading maintenance training and troubleshooting application used to capture institutional knowledge about the machines and systems at your company.

Gain access to a patented machine-specific training resource that improves equipment utilization and reduces downtime at your facility.

Through iSchematic, your employees interact with hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic, or mechanical sequences for each machine event.

This webinar will explain how iSchematic is specifically customized to your machines. Then, practical applications of this effective tool will be demonstrated.

Watch Now On-Demand

2014 National Electrical Code - A Preview of the
Changes in the Code.

American Trainco On-Demand Series

Brought to you by our affiliate, American Trainco™ , this on-demand webinar will introduce some of the major changes in the 2014 National Electric Code.

Our instructor, Bob Clukey, has over 35 years practical experience in the electrical trade. He is a certified NCCER and OSHA instructor and member of NFPA.

Throughout this presentation Bob will address some common questions and discuss topics that impact your industry.

Watch Now On-Demand

Boiler Safety - Operations, Practices and Procedures

American Trainco On-Demand Series

Brought to you by our affiliate, American Trainco™ , Boiler expert Tim McDaniel guides you through the basics of safe boiler operation.

You will learn basic boiler systems and classifications, operator responsibilities and preventative maintenance, plus efficiency, emissions, and proper water treatment.

If you are a current client of TPC Online™, please contact Customer Service for specific questions regarding your subscription.

For more information about our products and services, visit or contact your Training Solutions Consultant at 800-837-8872.

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